
a selection of personal, research, and school projects - shown chronologically

Bio-Inspired Adhesives for Human Skin

Design Image Processing MATLAB Mechanics

Research on the adhesion mechanics of bio-inspired surfaces. Their detachment is captured and observed as it happens, allowing for a deeper insight into what enables higher adhesion.


Machine Learning Python Computer Vision

Can we predict where and when a parking spot will free up? This team project couples a classification model with a computer vision model to find empty spots on the streets and in parking lots.

Erasable Printer Ink

Chemistry Design Materials Science

Thermochromism is the change of colour in the presence of heat. Most heat-induced colour changing products change back when the heat is removed. In this thesis project, we design, print, and optimize a permanently erasable printer ink.

Reactor Head for Gas Deposition

3D Printing ANSYS Fluent Design

A re-imagined 3D-printed reactor head for gas deposition allows for rapid iteration and testing. The design of the gas pathways are modelled with ANSYS Fluent to achieve a uniform deposition.

Work done as part of a research scholarship with Professor Musselman at the University of Waterloo.

Cryo-Holder for TEMs

Design Heat Flow Simulations COMSOL

When you cool samples to cryogenic temperatures (<130°C), even black-body radiation can overheat things. The sample holder is designed to maximize cooling while minimizing vibrations.

Work done as part of a research scholarship with Professor Sciaini at the University of Waterloo.

Cancer Dataset and Pathway Visualizations

Data Analysis JavaScript Visualizations

Cancer donor datasets are visualized with JavaScript and biological pathways are mapped for simple navigation.

Work done as part of a co-op for the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research.

Copyright © Aly Hassan